Scott Whitby, 2020
We know you are there
You think you can hide
Nothing less than a coward
Attack from behind, no pride
Little babies and old people
Others in between
You think you are shadowed
So easily unseen
You took my mom and brother
You took my daddy-in-law
You took my friend
And others I never saw
My mom tried to hide you
Pretend you weren't real
She said she didn't know you
In the end you're all she'd feel
My brother faced you head-on
Fought you toe to toe
You waited until Christmas
To strike your final blow
Neil never saw you coming
Just the same as all you hurt
My girls never knew him
You are so less than dirt
My friend had barely started
His life about to begin
You took him too
The only game he couldn't win
You hide but aren't hidden
We see you easier every day
You kill while we study
One day you fail, we'll make you pay
Our poison gets better
Our eyes see more deep
Soon you'll mourn the day
You made any of us weep
Until then just do what you can
Until we find that last clue
And for all you have taken
We'll laugh and cheer and scream...FUCK YOU!