Scott Whitby, 2020
Our daddy plowed dirt
Our momma fixed hair
No time for something else
Probably wasn't fair
We came along easier
They gave us more
They gave us something
More than just being poor
Somebody ran the bank
Another ran the schools
The last one tended the ill
Still at times we were fools
But we found our way
Our own families we'd raise
Crooked path sometimes
Looking it over, God to praise
A generation later
Times not the same
Might seem like marriage
Just another game
It ain't though
And kids of your own
Be honest to yourselves
It's what you were shown
Set an example
Yours can do it too
Point them right
Now it depends on you
This is how it works
At times it'll be alot of fuss
But y'all remember this...
No harder for you than for us