Scott Whitby, 2020
I was ten
So secure
Felt happy
Safe for sure
Then fifteen
All upside down
Nothing good
Except the frown
Turned twenty
Life mends
Not right again tho'
But finding friends
Twenty five
Partly man
Learning life
Best I can
Thirty now
Path is clear
Soon a wife so dear
Thirty five
Became a dad
Can I do it
And not be bad?
Forty came next
Then forty five
Kids half grown
Feeling so alive
Then fifty
Still do what I can
Start to make plans
To be a dying man
This second half
I'll do less wrong
I'll pick people up
Make them strong
Would like be a hundred
And if health will hold
It'll be ok
To get that old
If I get there
Hope kids say
What a daddy!
I'll do it that way
But if I don't
And my life finds end
At least I found how it feels
To be ten again