Scott Whitby, 2020
Pretty girls
But always so far
Tried hard to know
But didn't have a nice car
Fancy girls
Clothes so neat
Perfect hair
But not me to meet
College girls
"What's your major?" I'd say
They never answered
Just turned away
City girls
Boys like me they ignored
They were afraid
I'd make them be bored
Made me wonder
What's wrong with me?
I'm tall, not ugly
What do they not see?
They wanted handsome
Charisma and groomed
Not awkward and odd
That would be doom!
The boys they liked
The boys they sought
Were not like me
And easily caught
Where are they now?
Is everything good?
Are they satisfied and rich
Like they thought they would?
Are their husband's teeth
Shiny and white?
Do their muscles still quiver?
Was the future found bright?
Or is he less interesting
Or maybe found sterile?
His dark skin and six-pack
More like a barrel?
I wonder today
What Kay thought she saw
Where the others didn't
Or did she see at all?
If she felt what I did
She never was scared
Awkward didn't matter
Odd caused her no care
Years later I wonder
Would I have the same life?
If I'd asked her her major
Would she be my wife?