Scott Whitby, 2023
I'm black and white
You're red and blue
I'm gray at best
Not purple like you
You are a poem
I’m only a word
You tell the story
I am never heard
You are the chords
I'm just a note
You are music
I wish I wrote
I am a petal
You're a bouquet
No one remembers
If I fall away
But here we are
Sailing together
You are the bird
I am your feather
We swim across the water
We swim, just me and you
We find that other shore
I'm gray, I love you and your red and blue
I'm gray, you are purple red and blue
You are red and blue and I love you
I'm right or wrong
But you see the truth
I think I know
But you see right through
You are a song
The beautiful voice
The words don't matter
It's not my choice
You are the sunset
Shadows are where I live
You are the sunrise
There's nothing for me to give
I stand in awe
You don't seem to care
What you are and what I am
Your love is so fair
But here we are
We are singing together
Here we are
A bird and a feather